Monday, December 31, 2012

What I Learned in 2012

Every year is a chance to grow, to flourish, to learn. Some years are filled with success, with new babies and grand opportunities. Others are filled with hardships and heartaches. 2012, for me, was the latter. It was the hardest year of my life but not without lessons, not without blessings, nor without memories to cherish.

What I learned in 2012 is...

*Suffering can affect your life but you can prevent it from becoming your life.

*When you give up most of your material things you can focus more on what truly matters. Your VCR can also become your best friend. Yep, she said VCR. Tapes cost 50 cents. That's just awesome, I don't care who you are.

*Love is a choice. It will see you through the hardest of things if you choose it. That goes for relationships of all kinds.. especially family.

*There's this thing called Trigeminal Neuralgia. Its considered one of the most painful conditions on earth. I had never heard of it before May of 2012 but I'm here to tell you it Sucks. Simply put.

*The amount of love and support one church can bring will blow your mind. Its not just the car, the gas bill that turned on our hot water after months of cold showers, or the meals. Its the hugs, the prayers, the hugs (yes I said it twice), the unending support. I've learned to lean on my church family and I've learned how much they love me.

*People will fall pretty hard if you put them up on a pedestal. And that you dang sure better help pick them back up when it happens. Its the least we can do. This especially goes for our children. Especially so. Love first, judge second. Or never. Your kids deserve love above all. 

*I learned that my mother is even tougher than I knew and is literally the most amazing woman I know. I wish I could be more like her.

*I learned that you cant wrap your self esteem up in what one person thinks of you. You are who you are and you deserve to celebrate that and you should be required to honor it.

*Being a host mom for the Lexington Legends is like a calling for me.. like I was meant to do it. I loved those boys as my own and it was one of the true joys of my year.

*I learned that I can be a respected sports writer despite how insane that seems. And despite the valid reasons that I haven't been writing, I am so disappointed in myself. Words cant explain how much. I miss it, too.

*I learned that just because people are related to you doesn't mean they're required to be close to you or to support you. Expecting them to is setting yourself up for disappointment and isn't fair to either side. Being upset about that is a waste. That goes for in-laws and former in-laws too.

*My dad is a hero. I've never heard of anyone who suffers more physically than he does but others come first with him... always. Always.

*The phrase "What would Jesus do?" is wonderful but we have added one more.. "What would Papaw do?" If you'd be ashamed to tell your Papaw you did it? You shouldn't do it.

*I learned that my Kindle does not consider the word "learned" to be a real word. That's kinda dumb. It also feels "kinda" isn't a word for that matter, lol.

*Don't pawn your stuff. You're fooling yourself that you'll get it back. Find another way.

*No matter what happens... good, bad, ugly... Praise God in the storm. Prayer is a choice the same way love is. On Sunday, after the worst week I can remember, I stood in church with my hands raised and sang praise while sobbing. But I sang and I praised God because he is good. Even when life is bad, God is good.

*I learned that my sons are tougher than I ever knew possible. That they love their momma more than they could say with words.

*I learned I'm going to have to say goodbye to a favorite relative soon. Ive also learned I don't know how to do that.


*I deserve more than I let myself believe or expect and I need to start holding people accountable for treating me like I'm worth it.. be it men, friends, work, or family.

*Give people a chance to step up and help others and it'll amaze you.. I've also realized that often those with nearly nothing are more likely to help than those who are blessed with more. There are exceptions of course.

*Sharing my testimony can really help others. I need to do that more.

This is only some of what I've learned but its a start. Here's to 2013.. a fresh start to take what I know now and make a better year happen.. to make a better me.


  1. Heather,
    You have been such a wonderful friend to me, even though I was a not so good one at times. You were there to encourage and pray for me during the bad and good times. I commend you on how great a mom you are. No matter the pain you endure you are still always there for your children, biological and adopted. You're work ethic is beyond anything I could imagine, how one goes in everyday in pain and cleans houses for eight hours or more a day shows how strong you are.

    I pray that in 2013 that God blesses you beyond your comprehension. That he heals you from all your pain so you can enjoy the life He has for you. I also pray that He sends you a Man of God to bless you, take care of you and honor you for the great woman you are.

    Just remember God will never leave you and he is always walking by you to catch you. God loves you so much and I am so thankful for the honor of knowing you and being one of your many friends. I will say this, the one thing I miss from you is your hugs.

  2. Heather Marie,
    You are so much stronger then you give yourself credit for. You are your mama's strength and your daddy's heart. You are the best mom your kids could ever ask for despite a struggle that would push most mom's away. You are the heart of your family and the confidant of almost everyone in it. You love so fully that everyone feels overflowed who is lucky to feel your love. You are Heather and that is so much more then just a word, it is a feeling of safeness, it is a never ending love, it is a hope for a better tomorrow, and it is all you are and all you will ever need. You are and we are lucky you are.
