Good parents do many things out of love for their children. They make sacrifices and dedicate much of their lives to the list above. Christian parents add to this list by praying for our kids, setting a Christ-like example, and sharing God's love with them.
We claim that we are willing to do whatever it takes for the greater good of these beloved children. Let's be honest, though, and amend that statement. Let's say "We are willing to do whatever it takes for the greater good of these beloved children - within reason. Within our comfort zones."
What if what we are called to do for our children is to let go? What if we have to step out of our comfort zone, even beyond all normal reasoning? What if we were asked to pray the scariest prayer a parent can pray - "Whatever it takes, Lord." What then?
Faith is more than just believing in a God that we cannot see. It is believing so much in God's love for us that we are willing to step out in that faith when the plan seems to make no sense. Believing that good will come from all of this. Believing that He loves our child even more than we do.
What an awesome concept! Can anyone love this precious child more than I do? Can anyone care more for his health? For his future? Does anyone wish more for his heart to turn to God? God absolutely does. I believe this with all of my heart.
God's love for our children is far greater than our own, so why is it so hard to willingly let Him hold their hand while we let go? Why do we lay our concerns for our kids at the cross, and then pick them back up on the way out the door?
"Whatever it takes Lord. Whatever has to happen for this child to find his way to You. Whatever it takes to get his heart in the right place. Whatever it takes to set him on the path of righteousness. I trust in you, Lord, to protect him and guide him. I trust you with my child's life."
This prayer is a life changer. It is a commitment far beyond being willing to take my children to church every Sunday, beyond bedtime prayers. It is more important than lining our walls at home with Christian quotes and listening to Christian music with our kids. It is more effective than praying a quick "Lord, please protect my kids" each morning. All of those things have value, of course, but this prayer is deeper.
I struggle with this prayer. I am more guilty than you know about picking up my burdens I lay at the cross and taking them upon myself once more. I am not as strong as I appear, I will be the first to admit this.
I do not question God's power, nor His love for my boys. I believe that He has their best interests at heart. I know He is there for them in ways even I cannot be. Yet, I struggle.
The mistakes children make cause rippling effects throughout a family. The poor choices they pick can land them in jail, in rehab, or even on the streets. No matter how many times we pray "Lord protect them", we can't protect them from broken hearts, from shattered marriages, from running away from God. We can't always prevent the arrests or the drug habits, either, unfortunately.
What we can do is this:
●We can have faith that the Lord will guide them home to Him.
●We can believe that the Lord will heal the damages done to their bodies and to their hearts.
●We can trust the Lord to protect them from harm while they sit in the jail cells, and stand firm in the knowledge that the Lord - not the courts - has control.
●We can offer encouragement and love, no matter what path they are on. You can choose to not enable without withholding love and encouragement.
●We can be honest in our prayers. Pretending you've got this and you're tough isn't necessary with God. Tell him you're petrified, that you're angry, that you're struggling to have faith in this situation. Turn to Him and let Him be your best friend.
●We can let go. No amount of sheltering, no amount of fear based parenting, no amount of wishing can protect our kids from the realities of this world. We can give these children to God and let Him handle the things to come.
Faith is an action word. It is a choice, not just a Christian catch phrase. It, like love, is something we must choose again every single day. It shouts to the world "This is where my hope comes from!" It whispers to the heart "God chooses you, too. He loves you more. He loves your children more. He is here to stay."
Whatever it takes, Lord. Whatever it takes. I give this Chris to you, this Noah. If I falter today, I will choose to begin again tomorrow to have faith in your plan, in your compassion, in your love. Whatever it takes.
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